来源:人气:175更新:2022-10-26 19:00:24
Sometime,Lovemaymakeyoulose,the time,energy and opportunity.Some of us get dipped in flat some in satin some in gloss.Originate from eyes contact,An accident.But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent. And when you do nothing will ever compare.She soul can fill your emprtspirit.Everything she say,All the time touch yourheart. 有时,爱可能会让你失去,时间,精力与机会。有的人黯淡浅薄,有的人光彩万丈,有的人,败絮藏心。源于一个眼神,一次偶然。当你无意间邂逅一个光彩夺目的人,当你真正遇到的这一刻,才能明白其中的美好。她的灵魂,可以填补你精神的空洞,她说的每一句话,都无时不刻的触及你的内心最新成人片